Bastel Labor


Berlin, 2011

The organizers of a street fest in my neighborhood asked me if I'd like to contribute something. I really like my area and the people living here, so I certainly wanted to offer a little diy electronics workshop! I packed the more important half of my workshop onto my little pick‑up truck and drove around the park to the party location.

My little pick‑up truck

My “car” (a Piaggio ape from 1979) is loud, it smells a lot, it is shaky and slow (the motor has only 3.5 HP), but a hell of fun to drive! What makes it really useful is that it can carry loads up to 200kg. That’s enough for bringing a table, some chairs, tools, lighting and materials.

My little workshop table at the street fest

Soldering started right after the setup of my workshop desk.

Heavy soldering work in progress

The visitors were building different things: Little vibration motor robots, simple sound oscillators and Drawdios.

Even when it became dark already, the workshop table didn’t get empty. My neighbor Günter (the ghost in the background) helped me throughout the workshop to show the visitors how to solder and how to read the circuit drawings.

People were still highly motivated, even when it became dark
A finished Drawdio
The Drawdio circuit

We used Jay Silvers original circuit based on the NE555. That’s a simple circuit and easy to build.

Video of Jay Silver's original Drawdio

Special thanks

I want to thank the youth club Linse for organizing this nice little street fest!

Additional resources