
Hello, I'm Niklas Roy!
I am an artist, inventor, and educator, based in Berlin. With my works, I aim to explore the intersection of art, science, and technology. My hands-on, DIY approach to engineering, constructing, and coding has resulted in numerous installations and machines that have been exhibited worldwide.
Besides showing my works in art exhibitions, I also created interactive installations for science centers such as Phaeno in Wolfsburg and Technorama in Winterthur.
Recently, I made some permanent installations for public squares and art in architecture. I find that particularly rewarding because it allows me to create a lasting impact through works that engage with people on a daily basis.
I strongly believe that art has the potential to create a significant social impact. That's why many of my works aim to involve the audience in a participatory experience. By breaking down the barriers between the artwork and the viewer, I hope to create a more inclusive and accessible form of art that can be enjoyed and appreciated by people from all walks of life.
To make my work accessible to a broader audience, I share my projects, plans, schematics, and source codes on my website. I believe in the power of open-source and open licensing, allowing others to replicate, remix, and build upon my creations.
Although I'm not very active on social media, I keep a photo diary that offers an exclusive behind-the-scenes glimpse into my creative process. I am constantly updating it with pictures of my latest projects, allowing you to get an intimate look at my work in progress.
When I'm not tinkering away in my studio, I'm busy developing and conducting fun, creative, and reflective technology workshops for all ages. I love collaborating with my partner Kati Hyyppä and others on these projects.
Before diving into the world of art, I worked in the film industry as a 3D Animator, Visual Effects Supervisor, and Second Unit Director. (Here's my IMDb profile)

If you're interested in collaborating with me, feel free to get in touch. Let's see what we can create together!
Here is a list of institutions with which I've worked so far:
Aalto University, Finland (Lecture)Alberta College of Art and Design, Canada (Workshop)
Ars Electronica, Austria (Exhibition)
Art Forum, Germany (Performance)
artlabs.*, Romania (Workshop, Exhibition)
Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand (Workshop)
Banff Centre for Arts and Creativity, Canada (Workshop)
Bauhaus University, Germany (Workshop)
Berlin University of the Arts, Germany (Workshop)
Beyond Tellerrand, Germany (Talk)
Bezirksamt Lichtenberg, Germany (Permanent Public Art)
Carré des Jalles, France (Exhibiton)
Catalyst, Northern Ireland (Exhibition)
CCC Hacker Congress, Germany (Exhibition)
Club Transmediale, Germany (Exhibition)
Crespo Foundation, Germany (Residency)
Denver International Film Festival, USA (Screening)
Deutsches Technikmuseum, Germany (Exhibition)
Disseny Hub, Spain (Exhibition)
E-Fest Tunis, Tunisia (Workshop, Exhibition)
ECAL, Switzerland (Workshop)
Edinburgh Festival of Cycling, Scotland (Workshop)
Elektra, Canada (Exhibition)
Espace [IM] Média, Canada (Exhibition)
European Media Art Festival, Germany (Exhibition)
Experimenta, Australia (Exhibition)
Fantastic Filmfestival, Belgium (Screening)
Fantsporto, Portugal (Screening)
Festival Emergences, France (Exhibition)
Festival Garage, Germany (Exhibition)
Gamerz, France (Exhibition)
Gare St. Sauveur, France (Exhibition)
Campus Efeuweg, Berlin, Germany (Art in Architecture)
Glasgow School of Art, Scotland (Workshop)
Goethe-Institut Krakau, Poland (Exhibition)
Goethe-Institut Montréal, Canada (Travel Grant)
Goethe-Institut Porto, Portugal (Lecture)
Goethe-Institut Prag, Czech Republic (Exhibition)
Goethe-Institut São Paulo, Brazil (Travel Grant)
Hartware Medienkunstverein, Germany (Exhibition)
Hochschule für Gestaltung Offenbach, Germany (Workshop)
Holland Dance Festival, the Netherlands (Exhibition)
Hyperwerk, Switzerland (Workshop)
Infas, Germany (Workshop)
International Festival of Documentary and Shortfilm Bilbao, Spain (Screening)
Japanese Media Art Festival, Japan (Residency, Exhibition)
KIKK, Belgium (Talk, Workshops, Exhibition)
Kunstraum Walcheturm, Switzerland (Exhibition)
La Gaîté Lyrique, France (Residency)
LABoral, Spain (Exhibition)
LEAP, Germany (Talk, Exhibition)
Le Pavillon, Belgium (Exhibition)
Les 8 Pillards, France (Exhibition)
Maison des Arts, France (Exhibition)
Mansedanse, Finland (Exhibition)
Media Art Biennial, Canada (Talk, Exhibition)
Media Art Festival Friesland , the Netherlands (Exhibition)
Merz Akademie, Germany (Workshop)
Microwave, Hongkong (Exhibition, Workshop)
Migros Kulturprozent, Switzerland (Workshop)
Minerva Art Academy , the Netherlands (Workshop)
Monaco Dance Forum, Monaco (Exhibition)
Mons European Capital of Culture, Belgium (Workshop, Talk, Exhibition)
Museum für Kommunikation, Germany (Exhibition)
Nam June Paik Art Center, South Korea (Exhibition)
National Audiovisual Institute, Poland (Residency, Exhibition)
National Center of Contemporary Arts, Russia (Workshop, Exhibition)
Nova Iskra, Serbia (Workshop, Exhibition)
Oboro, Canada (Exhibition)
OK Festival, Indonesia (Exhibition)
Palm Beach International Film Festival, USA (Screening)
Phæno, Germany (Workshop, Exhibition)
Philafilm, USA (Screening)
PiFan, South Korea (Screening)
Polytech Festival, Russia (Workshop)
Prototype Festival, Brazil (Workshop)
Re/Act, Germany (Exhibition)
Resonate, Serbia (Talk, Workshop)
Schoolofma, Germany (Workshop)
Scopitone, France (Exhibition)
Seattle International Film Festival, USA (Screening)
Semi-Permanent, New Zealand (Talk)
Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Europa, Berlin, Germany (Working Grant)
Shift Festival, Switzerland (Exhibition)
SHINE , the Netherlands (Exhibition)
Siggraph, USA (Exhibition)
Sapporo International Art Festival, Japan (Residency, Exhibition)
Street Art Festival Katowice, Poland (Exhibition)
Technorama, Switzerland (Residency)
The Digital Hub, Ireland (Exhibition)
The Lighthouse, Scotland (Workshop)
Tilt, France (Exhibition)
Todays Art , the Netherlands (Exhibition)
Transmediale, Germany (Talk, Exhibition)
Tschumipaviljoen, the Netherlands (Exhibition)
University of the Arts Bremen, Germany (Workshop)
Uppsala International Film Festival, Sweden (Screening)
Valand Academy, Sweden (Workshop)
VIA Festival, France (Exhibition)
Viper, Switzerland (Exhibition)
WRO Center, Poland (Talk, Exhibition)
Wroclaw Capital of Culture, Poland (Exhibition)
Württembergischer Kunstverein, Germany (Exhibition)
Zaha Hadid's Box of Ideas, the Netherlands (Exhibition) ZKM, Germany (Exhibition)